Here’s a list of 5 failed startups from Toronto.
Some of them were big, with huge teams and funding rounds.
Others were smaller, ran by the co-founders, and with no funding.
But all of them shut down.
And each for a specific cause of failure.
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Here’s a list of 5 failed startups from Toronto.
Some of them were big, with huge teams and funding rounds.
Others were smaller, ran by the co-founders, and with no funding.
But all of them shut down.
And each for a specific cause of failure.
Everything you need to raise funding for your startup, including 3,500+ investors, 7 tools, 18 templates and 3 learning resources.
Buy It For $97 $297 →Information about the industries, countries, and cities they generally invest in.
Get the Sheet for $50Information about their valuation, HQ's location, founded year, name of founders, funding amount and number of employees.
Get the Sheet for $50Information about their valuation, HQ's location, founded year, name of founders, funding amount and number of employees.
Get the Sheet for $50List of startup investors in the FinTech industry, along with their Twitter, LinkedIn, and email addresses.
Get the Sheet for $50List of startup investors in the BioTech, Health, and Medicine industries, along with their Twitter, LinkedIn, and email addresses.
Get the Sheet for $50List of 250 startup investors in the AI and Machine Learning industries, along with their Twitter, LinkedIn, and email addresses.
Get the Sheet for $50Verelo was a Canadian startup that offered web monitoring services from multiple locations. Not enough traction made the company shut down in 2012.
Details of the startup:
McGrath, Michael Curry
Started in:
Closed in:
Nº of employees:
Funding Amount:
No Data
Specific cause of failure:
Lack of Funds
You can read more about their failure here.
Wattage was a platform with an ambitious goal: to break the entry barrier for hardware design. They weren't able to validate market interest.
Details of the startup:
Brett Hagman, Jeremy Bell, Peter Nitsch
Software & Hardware
Started in:
Closed in:
Nº of employees:
Funding Amount:
< $1M
Specific cause of failure:
No Market Need
You can read more about their failure here.
Steve and his housemate were always complaining food was expensive in Toronto. So, they came with a solution: hire a chef for themselves and 20 friends. This simple idea quickly escalated into a business, that, within a few months, was making +$110,000 per month. But, as it went up fast, it also came down rapidly. The business was involved in some legal problems, which forced the founders to shut it down. Read Steve’s failure story and learn from his mistakes!
Details of the startup:
Steven Long
Food & Beverage
Started in:
Closed in:
Funding Amount:
Specific cause of failure:
Legal Challenges
You can read more about their failure here.
Gymlisted was a website for finding the right private gym. Every day, Tom would go home from his day job and code up features for Gymlisted until midnight. Once launched, they started with their marketing efforts. But they soon realized there was pretty much no demand for what they were offering.
Details of the startup:
Tom Zaragoza
Software & Hardware
Started in:
Closed in:
Funding Amount:
Specific cause of failure:
No Market Need
You can read more about their failure here.
Charlie Reese is a Canadian software developer who came with (what he thought it was) a revolutionary idea for a SaaS business in the real estate industry. Using his knowledge in JavaScript, React, and SQL, he built a prototype in 6 weeks. But he failed to validate his idea and shut down.
Details of the startup:
Charlie Reese
Software & Hardware
Started in:
Closed in:
Funding Amount:
Specific cause of failure:
Poor Product
You can read more about their failure here.